Sunday, February 10, 2013

Let It Go.

Definately my words for 2013.  "Let it Go"  The thought of living the rest of my life carrying all this baggage around with me is definately not liberating or exciting at all.  Why do we carry things around with us that we dont even need, as in material possessions, thoughts, negative memories, etc.  The trick though is to know how to let it go.  

Well if it makes us feel uncomfortable, our heart beat faster or any negative feeling then try realise how meaningless it is to hold on to it.  Our ego wants us to carry this around so that we can prove we are right, that we are entitled to feel like this.  We maybe need to just take one issue and work on that one thing, maybe it is a person that really irritates and drains you when you are in their company. Next time you are in their presence understand that they are on their own journey and you dont need to take any responsibility for it, let it be their journey.  Listen to them without any attachment, just listen then LET IT GO. Let them be in their own space and stay in yours.  Feel the love for both of you or in the situation.

By the end of 2013 I would love to have mastered letting go, which means that I have to look within and realise my journey is going to take the route of whatever I allow myself to hold onto.  So here goes to understanding and realising what I need to Let Go Of.  Then let go with love.

Sunday, January 27, 2013



Today is the day that I have decided to stop taking my medication for thyroid and cholesterol.  I am going to exercise and make sure I am on the right diet.  I am so tired of the subtle side effects, that do actually play a big part in my life.  2013 is a year for looking after myself, my pathway and my soul and I know that once I have these things in order I will be able to really help those around me to find their health, happiness and pathways.