Sunday, November 6, 2011


It is so amazing how  when you go with the flow and release any desired outcomes, how things change to your highest good without you even having to work hard at it.  I am now running the Soul Sanctuary and have half shares in the one esoteric retail shop inside the Soul Sanctuary.  I could not have planned that, but I am absolutely loving the way it has worked out.
It is so funny, now that I am happy that I am going to be staying in Durban for a while longer  I pick up a book to read and it is about how Durban is going to have tsunamis and is a real hotspot for earth changes and that it would be better to move further inland.  It is so important to be able to live each moment fully and enjoy it, if we could be so totally in the moment then when we move to the next moment we will not take anything forward with us because with have dealt with everything in that moment.

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