Thursday, February 6, 2014


Farm Life

Farm Life

Well here I am, staying on a farm, 20 minutes drive to the closest beach - which is also one of the most amazing natural beaches, and the farm is at the foot of a beautiful mountain range. Not a huge big farm at all only about 4 hectres.  No animals except for two dogs and a cat, and my daughter is starting a permaculture kitchen garden.  It is so amazing to have her back living with us.  I just did not realise I would love this lifestyle so much.  Just goes to show when we are prepared to let go and go with the flow, there are good things waiting for us.

This place is so spiritual that I am really able to connect with the deepest part of me and start a healing process of just letting go with no urgency or desperation, just plain letting go and going with the flow.

Need to start a meditation group here, a channeling to me.  Dont even know how to begin that one but definately am working on it.  Also to build a labyrinth - which I have been reading up about and am really excited for that challenge.  There are great shifts happening and I feel that I am in the right place to honour these shifts.   Namaste and enjoy the shifts.