Monday, October 24, 2011

Life Changes

Whew, you know life how it can all just change in a moment.  Well my life seems to be at one of those crossroads at the moment, I mean my husband has sold his shares in his business and now a year later wants to change direction.  I have mostly been a city girl, living in the city or just on the outskirts and except for a brief three year inland stay in my early twenties, have always lived right near the beach.

Well now my husband Dave, who I think is a bit of a visionary, has decided that we need to go and live on a farm, a huge farm with water and trees.  He thinks he has now found this farm in another province at least a two hours drive from any sort of beach, half an hours drive from the nearest village, which is tiny tiny, and two hours drive to the nearest city.  It has a working forest and sawmill and a rather large river running all the way along the one boundry within the farm.  It is also huge huge huge.  I have also always been used to a tropical climate, which I absolutely love and the climate at the farm is quite a dry one.  Talk about life changes and am I scared, yes hell I am.  It means leaving my children, my friends, my business, my comfort zones and going into totally unknown terrority. At least it is not a cattle farm so there will be no slaughtering of animals, which he would not do anyway, I just have to see about cutting down trees, I love trees (maybe I can go and save them).

Am I going to do it.  Well someone has just out of the blue with no planning on my part, just taken over my shares in the business and we are going down to the farm for 10 days next month to have a look.  All I am trying to do is stay with the truth of my soul, to find the alignment with my soul and to have an open mind.  When you are walking your spiritual path you have to be open and flexible and try see the bigger picture with no attachments to any outcome. To realise that going for a walk on the beach every day if I want to, doing yoga and tai chi classes, to having this convenient lifestyle - is that wrong - I will have to discover different ways of exercising, different walks to take.

I think my lesson here is to just live for the day and not start worrying about what my future might be like.  To plan properly and go down and have a look at the farm, area etc, with the excitement of  going on a new adventure and not to close myself off from any experiences I might have or wonderful people I may meet.

Beautiful city lights have something so magical about them, they really bring out an excitement in me.

The most beautiful wonder in life for me is the sea.  It has its own life, its own moods, its own destiny and heals the whole of humanity by just being what it is.