Friday, April 8, 2011


To be a mom and wife is definately one of the most challenging positions I have had to date.  When everyone is happy and laughing and life is great, then it is one of the most beautiful positions to have.  One that you would not want to change for anything.  When there is turmoil and the conversations are "There is nothing wrong with me"  "Other families never argue like this"  "So and so's mom always does this for them"  or "So and so's wifes always has a beautifully cooked meal for the family"  etc etc, when you realise how easy it would be to run away screaming, to think of a life in exile and life where you dont belong to anybody and nobody belongs to you.  When you can get up when you want to, eat when you want to, well actually when your time is your time. No lifts, no cooking, no loads of washing, no interrupted sleep and no worries.

Then you go for a walk on the beach around the little rock pools, and see familys having fun laughing together, calling each other to come see what they have found and you realise how you would never change the title of Mom or Wife for anything.