Thursday, February 6, 2014


Farm Life

Farm Life

Well here I am, staying on a farm, 20 minutes drive to the closest beach - which is also one of the most amazing natural beaches, and the farm is at the foot of a beautiful mountain range. Not a huge big farm at all only about 4 hectres.  No animals except for two dogs and a cat, and my daughter is starting a permaculture kitchen garden.  It is so amazing to have her back living with us.  I just did not realise I would love this lifestyle so much.  Just goes to show when we are prepared to let go and go with the flow, there are good things waiting for us.

This place is so spiritual that I am really able to connect with the deepest part of me and start a healing process of just letting go with no urgency or desperation, just plain letting go and going with the flow.

Need to start a meditation group here, a channeling to me.  Dont even know how to begin that one but definately am working on it.  Also to build a labyrinth - which I have been reading up about and am really excited for that challenge.  There are great shifts happening and I feel that I am in the right place to honour these shifts.   Namaste and enjoy the shifts.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Let It Go.

Definately my words for 2013.  "Let it Go"  The thought of living the rest of my life carrying all this baggage around with me is definately not liberating or exciting at all.  Why do we carry things around with us that we dont even need, as in material possessions, thoughts, negative memories, etc.  The trick though is to know how to let it go.  

Well if it makes us feel uncomfortable, our heart beat faster or any negative feeling then try realise how meaningless it is to hold on to it.  Our ego wants us to carry this around so that we can prove we are right, that we are entitled to feel like this.  We maybe need to just take one issue and work on that one thing, maybe it is a person that really irritates and drains you when you are in their company. Next time you are in their presence understand that they are on their own journey and you dont need to take any responsibility for it, let it be their journey.  Listen to them without any attachment, just listen then LET IT GO. Let them be in their own space and stay in yours.  Feel the love for both of you or in the situation.

By the end of 2013 I would love to have mastered letting go, which means that I have to look within and realise my journey is going to take the route of whatever I allow myself to hold onto.  So here goes to understanding and realising what I need to Let Go Of.  Then let go with love.

Sunday, January 27, 2013



Today is the day that I have decided to stop taking my medication for thyroid and cholesterol.  I am going to exercise and make sure I am on the right diet.  I am so tired of the subtle side effects, that do actually play a big part in my life.  2013 is a year for looking after myself, my pathway and my soul and I know that once I have these things in order I will be able to really help those around me to find their health, happiness and pathways.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I am really enjoying taking photos and am now learning to add text.  The one on the left is for a road sign for the Sanctuary that I run and the one on the right is one that I have done for the Soul Sanctuary facebook page.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Three photos that I saw on the internet and just had to share as I think they are so amazing.  

humour and happiness

Just simple everyday life, in the most beautiful colour.

I don't normally like to take other peoples pictures and creative ideas and use them on my blog page, but if I don't take the credit and just copy them for more people to see because I think they are so amazing, then I tell myself that it is OK.  Unfortunately, I do not know whose name to give the credit to, sorry.

Friday, March 2, 2012


If you have a vision for your life, you need to take control and guide your life in the direction of your vision.  If you are whimsy and non committal you cannot expect your vision to take shape.  People always want to part with their ideas of life onto us and it is so easy to go along and get caught up in someone else's vision in life.  Sometimes it just feels easier to go with someone else, but at some point we need to come back to who we are and what we want in life.

Believe in yourself always, move forward towards your goals.  If  you don't have a goal you have nothing to move towards.  Have long and short terms goals, short terms like little stepping stones, so that you can see some achievement.  Be excited about your goals and never view them with any negativity they are positive milestones in your life.